Lebanese manufacturer and supplier of detergents and personal care products for businesses and especially for hospitality ones, “S.A.N. household & cosmetics” with the slogan: “when quality meets sustainability” work on improving the quality of all their products and developing new ones according to the needs of the market starting from dishwashers, general cleaners… to degreasers, anti-bacterials, sanitizers and more specialized products.
We provide high quality detergents for Lebanon and the Middle East. Our target is to meet sustainability and quality at the same time.
We have been working in a sustainable way to improve many steps in the manufacturing process of our household and personal care products. Therefore, we highlight some of the impacts that arise during the cleaning product life cycle, and important ways of reducing them. When a product is being designed and developed, it is our job to find the optimum balance that ensures effectiveness as well as safety, and minimize the overall environmental impact when properly and diligently used.

Our Purpose
Quality meeting sustainability
At S.A.N. household & cosmetics, we do our best to meet quality and sustainability and that by developing environmental friendly products and maintaining the quality of all our items. We have been working on reducing water footprint in our manufacturing process. Therefore, we reduce the quantity of water needed for every liter of detergent manufactured.
Meeting our customers’ needs
Thanks to our young dynamic team, we provide a full private label manufacturing service by developing new brands to our customers going from the internal development of new formulas, selecting the packaging and creating the brand image according to our customers’ brief
Contributing in reforestation
Thanks to our new retail brand “Cèdre vert”, we are committed to reforest Lebanon with Cedars. We have made an agreement with “jouzour Loubnan” to contribute to this reforestation with every “Cedre vert” product sold on the market. Consequently, the environment will be a priority in our main strategies.